
Busy Parents and Professionals Boost Immunity, Energy, and Confidence After 30

What kind of coach offers the chance for results, before you buy?

A Confident One.

Our services.

  • Free On Demand Coaching

    80% of my services are located here for free.

    Gain access to New Courses every 8 weeks.

    Turn the dream of hiring a Personal Wellness Coach into reality.

  • 1:1 Ultimate Wellness Coaching

    90% of services offered for $1/month or $10/year through Group Coaching for first 1000 Founding Members.

    Complimentary Initial Evaluations include a 7-10 day Personal Action Plan.

    1:1 Premium Coaching is budget friendly with Results Guaranteed.

Let’s Get Real About Fitness.

Antiquated fitness plans glorify the incomplete “calories in vs. calories out” approach to weight loss. Traditionally, you are encouraged to severely restrict calorie intake and ramp up exercise output at the same time. This approach is a disaster for your nervous system. Consequently, many clients hide the fact they feel moody, overwhelmed, hungry, agitated, stressed, and guilty for being truly unhappy while trying to follow poor coaching strategies and popular “quick-fix” weight loss trends leading to another failed attempt at Frazzled Fitness.

Ultimate Wellness Coaching focuses on calming your nervous system through stress management strategies and nourishing your body by attaining a calorie deficit with strategic foods that will fill you up and satisfy your hunger cues at the same time. We focus on behavior change models, motivational interviewing, and accountability, to help you feel supported in setting achievable exercise goals to cultivate the mental and physical habits for long term success. You will feel challenged, yet secure, confident, and energized because we have equipped your body and mind with scientifically proven rest and nourishment that will naturally produce a positive mindset and the physical energy required to succeed.

What to Expect

A Balanced 3 Tier-Approach to Wellness


Plan - And Follow Through

Fuel Immunity, Energy, Confidence

Immunity Support

  • Tailored approach

  • Fight illnesses and infections

  • Stay healthy and productive


Persevere - Find time for Fitness

Social Support and Accountability

Sustainable Energy

  • Say goodbye to chronic fatigue

  • Energy-boosting exercise and stress management

  • Conquer your day without feeling drained


Rewarding Results

Peaceful & Encouraging Progress

Confidence Enhancement

  • Prioritize your well-being

  • Confidence is key personally and

  • Truly enjoy yourself